Over there in the grass
you are asleep on your side
the sun is shining on your black hair
I walked towards the tree in the field
It is a very big tree
When I climbed it's branches
I could see for miles
I could see the house that we walked from
and it's blue paint that turned green from the sunlight
I sat on a branch for while and thought
this is what the world looks like to birds
You must have been very tired
because you slept very long
When I got down from the tree
I went back to you
I sat down and surveyed the large field
The wind was blowing your dress
and it revealed your knees
that glowed
You looked so safe
and I wondered
what you were dreaming about
My hand
slid down your pink cheek
and you awoke
looked into my eyes
and said with a calm smile
"I love you"
by Timothy Poovey